Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Emerging Technologies Round-Up - December 2013

Emerging Technologies Round-Up - December 2013 Emerging Technologies Round-Up - December 2013 Emerging Technologies Round-Up December 2013Congress 2013 and Upcoming 2014 ActivitiesIn addition to the inaugural Advanced Manufacturing Impact Forum, which welches featured in a separate ASME News story in this issue, ASMEs Emerging Technologies area was involved in a number of other activities at the 2013 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and ausgesetztsein last month in San Diego, Calif. The Energy-Water Nexus Interdisciplinary Council, the Integrated/Sustainable Building Equipment and Systems Task Force, and the Thermal Energy Storage Task Force each held business meetings during the conference. During these meetings, which took place on Nov. 19, each group presented highlights of their programming and activities including the Center for Research and Technology Development/Emerging Technologies-led Open Research Forums that took place during the 2013 calendar year. F uture activities to occur during the coming year were also discussed at these meetings. The Energy-Water Nexus Interdisciplinary Council outlined several upcoming activities, including sponsoring a track at the ASME Power Conference to be held July 28-31, 2014 in Baltimore, Md. proposing a topic for a technical track at the 2014 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition next November in Montreal, Canada and the upcoming publication of the ASME Press book Thermal Power Plant Cooling Context and Engineering. The book, which was edited by Carey King, will be available in January. The Integrated/Sustainable Building Equipment Systems Task Force has several key upcoming activities, including programming at the 2014 Congress, and preparing the Handbook of Mechanical Systems for Sustainable Buildings, which will be published by ASME Press. Upcoming projects discussed by the Thermal Energy Storage Task Force at its meeting included planning a topic for a technical track at the 2014 Congress in Montreal, and completing and issuing a Recommendations and Action Plan document based on findings from the Open Research Forum on thermal energy storage that was held Sept. 24 at the ASME Washington, D.C., office. Hosted by ASMEs Center for Research and Technology Development and Emerging Technologies department, and the Thermal Energy Storage Task Force, the Forum showcased thermal energy storage best practices, challenges and address potential solutions and how ASME could have an impact, and featured speakers and audience members from the U.S. Department of Energy, Boeing Research and Technology, Baltimore Aircoil Co., the National Science Foundation, CALMAC Manufacturing Corp., the University of South Florida, NextEra Energy Resources, among other organizations. For more information about the ASMEs Open Research Forums, please contact Michael Tinkleman at tinklemanmasme.org or Norma Johnston at johnstonnasme.org.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

What to Do When Youre Jealous (Podcast) - The Muse

What to Do When Youre Jealous (Podcast) - The MuseWhat to Do When Youre Jealous (Podcast) The first time I experienced envy, I was in second grade and learned my friend Elyse was insanely talented at drawing. From scratch, at the age of seven, she drew a Scooby-Doo that looked just like the one on TV. I loved art, and I hated that she was better at it. Its happened to me a lot since then- when someone else has accomplished something I havent, like nailing a super high-paying gig, or earning an unexpected promotion. Even if I didnt want any of those things, I still feel quite covetous. Envy can be a dangerous feeling. It causes you to obsess about what you dont have and, thus, gets you nowhere. (Except feeling badly for yourself and resenting those youre jealous of.) But, did you know that you can use this emotion to your advantage? Yep- Im telling the truth. All it takes is one simple mind trick, which youll learn in episode 12 of the podcast An Uncluttered Life. So go on- make the c olor green look good on you again.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Marine Corps ASVAB Line Scores for Entry Level Mos

Marine Corps ASVAB Line Scores for Entry Level MosMarine Corps ASVAB Line Scores for Entry Level MosThe Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) has long been the first test many recruiter applicants will see after initially speaking with the service recruiter.There are standards within the Armed Forces and passing the ASVAB with high enough scores will at first allow you to enter military service, but also let you have a range of MOSs (jobs) that will qualify for.The higher the ASVAB score, the more opportunities you may have in the military.If you score at a bare minimum on the test, then you will be fairly limited in the job skills available to you within the military. Treat the ASVAB like any other test you have taken in high school or college.STUDY FOR IT.There are many options online as well as preparatory programs and practice tests you should do prior to taking the test for real.Some of the skills tested (listed below) you may bedrngnis remember taking in high schoo l and the conceptual knowledge tested in mechanical devices can throw the most polished test taker if you are not prepared for those type of questions. The ASVAB subtests for determining the composites are General Science (GS),Arithmetic Reasoning(AR)Word Knowledge(WK)Paragraph Comprehension(PC)Auto Shop Information(AS)Mathematics Knowledge(MK)Mechanical Comprehension(MC)Electronics Information(EI) Verbal Expression (VE) -Sum of Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension, scaled (VE).Current aptitude area composites used for MOS selection for the Marine Corps are as followsCL- Clerical, Administrative, Supply Finance - NO CS VE - The CL score range for most job qualifications within the USMC recommend a score of 90-100 or more.EL -Electronics Repair, Missile Repair, Electronics, and Communications -GSARMKEI - Your EL score should be in the 90-115 range or above to qualify for most jobs in the electronics systems and communications MOS. MM - Mechanical Maintenance, Construction , Utility, and Chemical Maintenance (hazmat) - GSASMKMC - The MM scores range from 85-105 to qualify for most jobs involving mechanics, construction, utility and hazardous materials.GT - General Technical, Special, and Officer Programs - VEAR - Most jobs that require the GT scores recommend a score from 80-110 or more to qualify for a variety of MOSs in this grouping.ST - Skilled Technical GSVEMKMC - General Science, Verbal Expression, Math knowledge, and Mechanical Comprehension make up a challenging combination Skilled Technical (ST) score. The AFQT (Armed Forces Qualifying Test) score is what the recruiters will first decipher as it determines whether youre eligible to join ANY military branch of service. The AFQT is the following subtest scores combinedVEPCWKAR.These are Verbal Expression (VE), which is computed from the Paragraph Comprehension (PC) and Word Knowledge (WK) subtests plus Arithmetic Reasoning (AR), and Math Knowledge (MK). The following chart is theActive Duty USM C MOSs and the related ASVAB Score and entry-level positions open to recruits joining the Marine Corps MOS/Job TitleASVAB Line Score Required01 Personnel and Administration0121 - Personnel ClerkCL=1000151 - Administrative ClerkCL=1000161 - Postal ClerkCL=9002 Intelligence0231 - Intelligence SpecialistGT=1000261 - Geographic Intelligence SpecialistEL=10003 Infantry0311 - Infantry RiflemanGT=800313 - LAV CrewmanGT=900321 - Reconnaissance ManGT=1050331 - Machine GunnerGT=800341 - MortarmanCT=800351 - AssaultmanGT=800352 - Antitank Assault Guided MissilemanGT=9004 Logistics0411 - Maintenance Management SpecialistGT=1000431 - Logistics/Embarkation and Combat Service erleichterung (CSS) SpecialistGT=1000451 - Air Delivery SpecialistGT=1000481 - Landing sttze SpecialistGT=9505 Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Plans0511 - MAGTF Planning SpecialistGT=11006 Communications0612 - Field WiremanGT=900613 - Construction WiremanEL=900614 - Unit Level Circuit Switch (ULCS) Operator/Maintai nerEL=1000621 - Field Radio OperatorEL=900622 - Mobile Multichannel Equipment OperatorEL=1000624 - High-Frequency Communication Central OperatorEL=1000626 - Fleet SATCOM Terminal OperatorEL=1000627 - Ground Mobile Forces SATCOM OperatorEL=10008 Field Artillery0811 - Field Artillery CannoneerGT=900842 - Field Artillery radargert OperatorGT=1050844 - Field Artillery Fire Control ManGT=1050847 - Artillery Meteorological ManGT=1050861 - Fire Support ManGT=10011 Utilities1141 - ElectricianEL=901142 - Electrical Equipment Repair SpecialistEL=1001161 - Refrigeration MechanicMM=1051171 - Hygiene Equipment OperatorMM=851181 - Fabric Repair SpecialistMM=8513 Engineer, Construction, Facilities, and Equipment1316 - Metal WorkerMM=951341 - Engineer Equipment MechanicMM=951345 - Engineer Equipment OperatorMM=951361 - Engineer AssistantGT=1001371 - Combat EngineerMM=951391 - Bulk Fuel SpecialistMM=8518 Tank and Assault Amphibious Vehicle1812 - M1A1 Tank CrewmanGT=901833 - Assault Amphibious Ve hicleGT=9021 Ground Ordnance Maintenance2111 - Small Arms Repairer/TechnicianMM=952131 - Towed Artillery Systems TechnicianMM=952141 - Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV) Repairer/TechnicianMM=1052146 - Main Battle Tank (MBT) Repairer/TechnicianMM=1052147 - Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) Repairer/TechnicianMM=1052161 - MachinistMM=1052171 - Electro-Optical Ordnance RepairerMM=10523 Ammunition and Explosive Ordnance Disposal2311 - Ammunition TechnicianGT=10026 Signals Intelligence/Ground Electronic Warfare2631 - Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Intercept Operator/AnalystGT=1002651 - Special Intelligence System Administrator/CommunicatorGT=1002671 - Arabic Cryptologic LinguistGT=1052673 - Korean Cryptologic LinguistGT=1052674 - Spanish Cryptologic LinguistGT=1052676 - Russian Cryptologic LinguistGT=10527 - Linguist (MOS dependent upon language specialtyDLPT28 Ground Electronics Maintenance2811 - Telephone TechnicianEL=1152818 - Personal Computer (PC)/Tactical Office Machine RepairerEL=11 52822 - Electronic Switching Equipment TechnicianEL=1152831 - Multichannel Equipment RepairerEL=1152841 - Ground Radio RepairerEL=1152844 - Ground Communications Organizational RepairerEL=1152846 - Ground Radio Intermediate RepairerEL=1152847 - Telephone Systems/Personal Computer Intermediate RepairerEL=1152871 - Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment TechnicianEL=1152881 - Communication Security Equipment TechnicianEL=1152887 - Counter Mortar Radar RepairerEL=11530 Supply Administration and Operations3043 - Supply Administration and Operations ClerkCL=1103051 - Warehouse ClerkCL=903052 - Packaging SpecialistCL=8031 besucherzahlen Management3112 - Traffic Management SpecialistCL=9033 Food Service3361 - Subsistence Supply ClerkCL=903381 - Food Service SpecialistGT=9034 Financial Management3432 - Finance TechnicianCL=1103451 - Fiscal/Budget TechnicianCL=11035 Motor Transport3521 - Organizational Automotive MechanicMM=953531 - Motor Vehicle OperatorMM=853533 - Logistics Vehicle System OperatorMM=8543 Public Affairs4341 - Combat CorrespondentGT=10544 Legal Services4421 - Legal Services SpecialistCL=10046 Combat Camera4611 - Combat IllustratorGT=1004612 - Combat LithographerGT=1004641 - Combat PhotographerGT=1004671 - Combat VideographerGT=10055 Music5526 to 5566 - MusicianAFQT Score of 505711 - Nuclear Biological and Chemical (NBC) Defense SpecialistGT=11058 Military Police and Corrections5811 - Military PoliceGT=1005831 - Correctional SpecialistGT=10059 Electronics Maintenance5937 - Aviation Radio RepairerEL=1055942 - Aviation Radar RepairerEL=1055952 - Air Traffic Control Navigational Aids TechnicianEL=1055953 - Air Traffic Control Radar TechnicianEL=1055954 - Air Traffic Control Communications TechnicianEL=1055962 - Tactical Data Systems Equipment (TDSE) RepairerEL=1055963 - Tactical Air Operations Module RepairerEL=10560/61/62 Aircraft Maintenance6046 - Aircraft Maintenance Administration SpecialistCL=1006048 - Flight Equipment TechnicianMM=1056 061 - Aircraft Intermediate Level Hydraulic/Pneumatic MechanicMM=1056071 - Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment (SE) MechanicMM=1056072 - Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment Hydraulic/ Pneumatic Structures MechanicMM=1056073 - Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment Electrician/ Refrigeration MechanicMM=1056074 - Cryogenics Equipment OperatorMM=1056091 - Aircraft Intermediate Level Structures MechanicMM=1056092 - Aircraft Intermediate Level Structures MechanicMM=10563/64 Avionics6311 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Weapon Systems TechnicianEL=1056312 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Weapon Systems Technician - AV-8EL=1056314 - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Avionics TechnicianEL=1056316 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation Systems Technician - KC-130EL=1056317 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Weapon Systems Technician - F/A-18EL=1056322 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical Systems Technician - CH-46EL=1056323 - Aircraft Communications/Navigatio n/Electrical Systems Technician - CH-53EL=1056324 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Weapon Systems Technician - U/AH-1EL=1056326 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Weapon Systems Technician - V-22EL=1056331 - Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician-TraineeEL=1056332 - Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician - AV-8EL=1056333 - Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician - EA-6EL=1056336 - Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician - KC-130EL=1056337 - Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician - F/A-18EL=1056386 - Aircraft Electronic Countermeasures Systems Technician - EA-6BEL=10565 Aviation Ordnance6511 - Aviation Ordnance TechnicianGT=1056531 - Aircraft Ordnance TechnicianGT=1056541 - Aviation Ordnance Systems TechnicianGT=10566 Aviation Logistics6672 - Aviation Supply ClerkCL=1006673 - Automated Information Systems (AIS) Computer OperatorCL=10068 Meteorology and Oceanography6821 - Weather ObserverGT=10570 Airfield Services7011 - Expeditionary Airfield Systems Tech nicianMM=957041 - Aviation Operations SpecialistCL=1007051 - Aircraft Firefighting and Rescue SpecialistMM=9572 Air Control/Air Support/Anti-air Warfare/Air Traffic Control7212 - Low Altitude Air Defense (LAAD) GunnerGT=907234 - Air Control Electronics OperatorGT=1057242 - Air Support Operations OperatorGT=1007251 - Air Traffic ControllerGT=1057257 - Air Traffic ControllerGT=10573 Navigation Officer/Enlisted Flight Crews7314 - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Air Vehicle OperatorGT=1057371 - Aerial NavigatorGT=1107381 - Airborne Radio Operator/Inflight Refueling Observer/ LoadmasterGT=11080 Miscellaneous Requirements MOSs

Monday, December 16, 2019

Four Marketing Tactics for Facebook

Four Marketing Tactics for facebook incFour Marketing Tactics for FacebookFour Marketing Tactics for Facebook Bennington, Contributing WriterThe beauty of developing a social media absatzwirtschaftstrategy is that any size company, including your small business, can jump in and apply marketing tactics that build your audience, and communicate with them directly.Since the small business social mediaplaying field has been leveled, you no longer need the resources of a large company to reach your customers via your small business marketing although you do need a bit of savvy know-how to do it well.Facebook for BusinessFacebook for business in particular has made going direct-to-the-consumer very easy its no wonder millions of businesses have flocked to the site looking to grow sales and influence.If youre wondering how you can stand out in such a crowded field, here are four tips on what to do and not do as you develop your own winning Facebook marketing tactics for this year and bey ond.Marketing Tactic 1 Build a Community First. If you really want to see your groupie numbers jump, build your page around a core idea that people can rally behind not just your business.Traditional selling is dead, says Melinda Emerson,author of Become Your Own babo in 12 Months. You have to add value to the conversation, not just push your product.Rather than pump out non-stop promotional material about your clothing store, for example, focus on marketing tactics that allow you to spend more time facilitating a discussion on trends, styles, and other information that would be of interest to your audience.The more you can become a go-to source for the latest consumer trends, the higher your fan numbers will go. The most egregious misstep people make in my opinion is to go for the sale before the relationship, says Emerson.The whole notion of using Facebook to say, buy my stuff, buy my stuff, and, oh by the way, buy my stuff is to misuse the site.Emerson recalls a shoe company who se marketing tactics were designed to get noticed over providing value recently. This company just started posting pictures of shoes they thought Id like right on my page, she says. Now thats a good way to get unfollowed.Marketing Tactic 2 Think Twice Before Doing a Profile-to-Page Migration. In Facebook-speak, people have profiles and companies have pages, but if youre like many small business owners, its probably a very blurry line.While Facebook does give you an option to merge the two, Cindy Morrison, online strategist and founder of the social media consulting firm SOCIALVENTION, recommends against it.A lot of business owners have built up a following on their personal profile, but are now struggling to get friends to like their fan page, says Morrison.Even so, she thinks its much better to start from zero than to convert your existing profile into fan page. Youll not only lose all of your information and pictures, but all the rights that only profiles have.If youre using Faceb ook to keep up with friends and family and promote your business, the profile-to-page migration isnt for you.Marketing Tactic 3 Have a Marketing Strategy. In other words, dont just post randomly as the mood strikes know what youre aiming for on Facebook.Set success metrics (e.g., how many times a day do you plan to post, what topics will you cover, what discounts will you run and when, etc.)Also, pay attention to the Insights link on the left side of your page and deep-dive into your fan demographics. If youve got a product aimed at men, for example, and your fans are 86% female and 14% male, something isnt working.Likewise, if youve got 1,000 fans, but only 15 are talking about you (Facebooks way of tracking the number of people engaging with your page), you know the content isnt resonating enough.Both Emerson and Morrison agree that the Insights tab is like having a built-in Facebook marketing director, but you have to know what youre aiming for to know if youre succeeding.Market ing Tactic 4 Learn (and Revise) as You Go. When Wendy Krepak founded Card Cubby, a line of stylish card and coupon organizers, she initially focused her marketing strategy on selling to retailers. It didnt take long, however, to realize her strategy was costly and full of roadblocks.Retailers are slower to take on products now and its expensive to attend the shows to sign them up.Recognizing that Facebook could help her reach customers directly, Krepak started a Facebook page and got serious about targeting her audience.The new approach has not only resulted in an online sales boost, but Krepak notes that some customers have even taken the product into stores on their own to ask retailers to carry it. The consumer has become my best sales rep she says.Krepak was smart to shift gears when her original plan didnt work.So if youre getting the sense that your Facebook marketing strategy needs a face lift, dont be afraid to occasionally go straight to your fans and ask what THEY want. Is it discounts? Networking? Advice?People want to do business with people they know, like and trust, says Morrison, and building that kind of loyal fan base takes constant engagement.Author BioEmily Bennington is co-author of the very first business book every new grad should own, Effective Immediately How to Fit In, Stand Out, and Move Up at Your First Real Job. She is a frequent speaker on the topic of career success and the founder of Professional senderaum 365, which provides organizational savvy training to new grads and their employers. Emily has been featured on Fox Business, CNN, and ABC and is a featured writer for The Huffington Post, Forbes Woman, and US News and World Report. She can be reached online at Emily Bennington, on Facebookor on Twitter EmilyBennington.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Why Not Rhyming Resumes and Rapped Interviews

Why Not Rhyming Resumes and Rapped Interviews Why Not Rhyming Resumes and Rapped Interviews Im waiting, but, like Hell, it seems rap wont flicker, die out and simply go away. Far from it- in fact it has spread like spilled Coke on fire throughout Chinas culture and cities I visited on this extended road-trip of mine.So, of course, I cant help thinking If, despite its detractors (like me), such a simple thing as relentlessly, usually very predictably rhyming, pounding speech in (rap) music can inexplicably dominate the planet, why not use it in cover letters, or even resumes and interviews to captivate companies and capture jobs?(Dont laugh. Recently, there have been nachrichtensendung reports of equally unusual, even weirder applications of rap a rapped Canadian courtroom apology offered a victim by his convicted assailant and rapped responses of the defendant in a U.S. disorderly-conduct trial.)But, before answering the question, Why not rhyming resumes and rapped interviews?, a l ittle background is in order.Mother Goose, Banging Spoons and RapPerhaps I would have loved rap when I was an infant, because to me it sounds so much like the props of infancy banging spoons, baby rattles, repetitive prattles, and Mother Goose nursery rhymes- make that Mutha Goose, to update the idiom and image. (This suggests that rap is at least a preschool offshoot, if not a replica or direct extension of a daycare curriculum.)Dont get me wrong Rhyme is a very effective, if not absolutely essential teaching tool for the very, very young because it provides handy mnemonics for connecting and remembering otherwise more difficult to remember unrelated words, and for entertaining babies and some older children with the surprise phonic connection between semantically unrelated vocabulary items, e.g., jumped over the moon.ran away with the spoon.Ironically, some nursery rhymes seem more adult than much rap There are nursery rhymes that at least in part dispense with rhyme and give us a break from it, e.g., the first verse of Jack and Jill- only fell down and broke his crown really rhyme, since water and paper do not. (However, it has been claimed that Jack and Jill is as dark a tale as any told in gangsta and other rap.)I might even have liked, or at least used rap, when I was six- if I wanted to be like other kids and robotically skip rope half the day, using rap to pace myself. (Am I the only one who hears only the doggerel rhymes and boring rope-skipping rhythms of nursery rhymes in most rap?)Alas, I grew up (maybe too fast, past rope and rap).Dont Blame JaggerAbove all, I am frazzled by the contrived rhyme at the expense of melody, sweetness, harmony, counterpoint, composition, rich instrumentation and just about everything else that the term music used to mean.I forgave Mick Jagger for all those -tion (shun) rhymes satisfacshun, girly actshun, etc., since the music was, in fact, music- and truly, very good music, if you ask me.However, without their great m usic, the rhymes of The Rolling Stones would be just as annoying as the relentless anti-musical rhyming of rap.This annoyance, to put it mildly, hit me one evening as I, trying to spoon up some quickly melting chocolate ice cream at the Sanya Bay beach on Hainan Island, China, suddenly got my ears pelted with booming American rap. (I cant be more specific It all sounds the same to me.)That was in garish, grating contrast to the soft, melodic, sentimental, complex, sung Chinese pop music (sung not being a dynasty) that had been piped out the same department store just minutes before. (If you want an iconic and splendid sample, try Zi Teng Hua (Wisteria) by S.H.E.- an enormously popular girl-trio from Taiwan. Yes, it will sound sappy to anti-sentimentalists, but maybe magical to many others.)The stark contrast between our rap and the softer, sweeter Chinese pop could have been more striking only if I were a dog, blessed/cursed with hypersensitive dog hearing traumatized by raps boomin g-bass. I was hearing the difference between the MTV-style love of power (bang-bang guns, bling-bling by the tons, muscles, muscle cars, virility, etc.) and the Chinese pop-cultures theme of the power of love (first loves, sweet reminiscences, wistful yearnings, etc.).I wanted to cry- and not because the rap popsong was sweetly sentimental. (It, like most rap, wasnt and didnt even try to accomplish that.)Can you really imagine anybody, thirty years from now, anywhere on planet Earth, upon hearing a 20th-century growling gangsta rap, e.g., Gotta shoot up my nose, crank up the Bose, prowl the hood, beat up somebody good, turning to a spouse of decades, eyes glistening with the tinge and twinge of memories, sweetly saying, Honey, theyre playing our song?Unmysterious Rap Supply, Puzzling DemandThe fact that anybody wants to crank out rap is not in the least mysterious One reason is that there are no unpublished melodies left to sing. With most permutations of short, easily remembered re al pop melodies having been tried and exhausted by the commercial mass-market corporate music-machines of the late 20th-century, the easiest option was to dump melody- there were virtually none left, and who wants to be sued for plagiarism or, God forbid, to not be original?With more rap-sheet-related skills than real musical training (or talent), some gangsta rappers-in-the-making realized that talking is easier than getting into Julliard or even merely competently carrying a tune. No complicated instrument to play, no high Cs to hit. (Despite the temptation to conclude the name rap is a contraction of rap sheet, I wont.)In addition, some quickly discovered that being a rap star is an excellent way to snag a lot of loot and boot, without having to use the weapons on your album cover. On top of that, people will, perhaps for the first time ever, LISTEN to you- again, even if you arent pointing anything at them.So, the supply-side explosion of rap onto the pop-culture scene seems to be no mystery. But why the demand? Here are my best guessesPercussion is an icon of power pounding rhyme is a form of percussion. Power is everything in rap and hiphop subcultures.Some drugs make monotonous beats, predictable rhymes and the resulting mental glaze-over seem utterly fascinating. A lot of people use drugs.Remembering rap lyrics and their rhymes can confer as much status in some quarters as a high score on the LSAT or doing volunteer work with the homeless. This is particularly impressive if the performer is otherwise regarded as uneducated.Having repetitive work (which a lot of young people have these days) is more bearable if there is a repetitive rhyme-and-drum beat in your head. Its the principle underlying the chanting of roadside rock-smacking-and-cracking chain gangs.Composing and memorizing the most complex rap lyrics, e.g., featuring rhymes within rhymes, is probably more interesting than Sudoku.A hunger for poetry- any poetryBlasting rap from your car boom-box will attract girls who fall into categories 1-6, above.Why Not Submit Rhyming Cover Letters?So, why not submit rhyming cover letters or give rapped answers to job interview questions? The short answer is simple.Go ahead and try it- but only if you are going to be evaluated by people to whom some or all of the points 1-7 somehow apply when you apply.Otherwise, theres almost zero chance that you will get their rap(t) attention, much less the jobunless the boss or HR manager is a kid in daycare.____________________________________Note This is one in a series of articles written by Michael Moffa while one the road, on the scene and on the job in China, autumn 2012. He says he was not responsible for the short rap inserted into one of his published and broadcast songs.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who wa nt to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career. Like this article? We also offer tons of free eBooks on career and recruiting topics - check out Get a Better Job the Right Way and Why It Matters Who Does Your Recruiting. document.write(Read more ) in Cover Letter

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Importance of Assistant Store Manager Resume

The Importance of Assistant Store Manager Resume Job aspirants have to be careful of a resume template rather than a curriculum vitae template. The recruiters will have run into very similar resume patterns inside their encounter, so its essential to modify the resume template so it appears different from the common one particular. The Death of Assistant Store Manager Resume If you would like to have that job, then you must mail them a targeted resume. Make certain you emphasize your present leadership abilities and experience. Based on your qualifications, you can decide to go for a career based on your abilities or the compensation you want. Your Assistant Store Manager skills list should have a good mixture of competencies and the correct attributes to be aya all efforts equate to success. Companies ought to be impressed together with your communication abilities. Candidates can register on free of charge. These resumes incorporate the field of wisdom of the applicant. The Key to Successful Assistant Store Manager Resume For that reason, its your key obligation to make your application much superior than their own. When youre asking for a particular position, it is better to create a continue which contains a work application objective towards the top of the exact first page. Its possible that you fill out an application for work through its official website. Maintained up-to-date understanding of merchandise and service changes. Starbucks managers may have to aid baristas during busy occasions or even clean restrooms when required. You will attend to unique tasks each and every day. Strong ability to operate from several locations within the district. Trained 15 sales representatives to attain the sales goals in 2 decades successfully. Using Assistant Store Manager Resume Sales might think about joining a support group to get in touch with others in exactly the same predicament. The retail industry is one of the largest growing marke ts, bedrngnis just in the usa, but additionally on earth. The work market can be extremely competitive. Research new positions in your area. Then its likely that you may end up excluding some critical locations and such as others that are not that needed. Top quality customer service and amazing food experience has to be consistently delivered while maintaining an affordable operation in a terrific working atmosphere. The drawback with salaried positions is that lots of managers are requested to work over 40 hours without additional payment. Eventually got work in tourism for a bike rental customer service position. The Importance of Assistant Store Manager Resume Assistant managers inside this environment assume charge of the full store rather than the shop manager or leader. The qualifications of the shop manager to be hired varies on the essence of the company operations. For instance, you might attempt to send out a certain store of resumes weekly. 498 restaurant manag er jobs readily available on. Every store has a specific amount of stock inventory that ought to be maintained by the shop manager. Grocery stores arent any different. They are filled with a wide variety of products, many of which are not edible. In 1962 it opened its very first Target shop in Roseville. The Awful Side of Assistant Store Manager Resume Excellent communication abilities and comprehension of the English language is essential. Crafting an exemplary resume objective requires exactly the same dedication, electricity and time as assembling an effective group of workers. If youre able to, utilize the company and the task positions language. Assistant Store Manager Resume at a Glance In general, theres not anything wrong with by utilizing a resume objective. Know Your Target Its always a great idea to customize your resume to fulfill the expectations and demands of your target employer. These makes their resume looks informative in addition to gives it a good a ppearance. There are lots of methods to submit your resume on-line. For the correct individual, an assistant manager position may be rewarding career choice. Infographic resumes become increasingly more common. In addition, you can look for assistant manager jobs on Monster. If it comes to locating the perfect assistant manager job, an intriguing resume is crucial. Starbucks managers perform a number of job duties, like overseeing employees and communicating with regional and company offices. Following that, youve got to include a different section on different roles and duties you have handled as the restaurant manager. Duties would be exactly like the barista.

Monday, December 2, 2019

6 Ways to Spot the Perfect Hire - Spark Hire

6 Ways to Spot the Perfect Hire - Spark HireWhen youve got an open role to fill and dozens of applications streaming in, the hiring process can feel overwhelming. You can quickly identify those who simply arent a good match at all, however distinguishing the excellent candidates from the mediocre can be more of a challenge. Heres how to identify a perfect hire They gel well with the rest of your staff.You can hire the most competent and well-educated employee on the face of the planet, but if theyre constantly clashing with the rest of the team, sooner or later youre going to have a major problem on your hands. The perfect hire blends in seamlessly with the rest of the staff.A willingness to learn.No matter how well educated a new hire might be, there will always be a learning curve involved as you get them acclimated with the unique processes involved in working for your specific geschftliches miteinander. For this reason, a willingness to learn is an important trait to look for in a candidate. Those who arent able to learn new skills or adapt to how your business operates can create issues within your office.A commitment to your company for the long run.Turnover is highly disruptive to a business, so you want to be sure that the candidate youre bringing on has a desire to be with your business for the long haul. When you inquire about their five-year goals, they should mention your company specifically, and not just general goals that only focus on their own career.The proper training.A good attitude is important, but you also want to verify that the candidate has the technical prowess to execute the designated job duties properly and in a timely fashion.A strong moral compass.The person you hire should have strong moral values. If theyre in a position to make a tough decision, you want to be sure that they make one that most positively impacts the company. They should be honest and ethical, particularly if theyre involved with the financials of your company. Satisfaction with the salary that is offered.If your new hire constantly feels that theyre not being properly compensated, eventually theyll begin to develop a negative attitude. Be upfront about the salary range as you interview, and ensure that everyone is satisfied with this figure before bringing a new team member on board.How do you spot a terrific hire? Share with us in the comments

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Underwater Drone Hunts Coral-Eating Crown-of-Thorns Starfish

Underwater Drone Hunts Coral-Eating Crown-of-Thorns Starfish Underwater Drone Hunts Coral-Eating Crown-of-Thorns Starfish Underwater Drone Hunts Coral-Eating Crown-of-Thorns StarfishThrough the azure waters of the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia, slowly glides a killer. Its body, tubular and yellow, about a meter in length, hovers over its victim, unsuspectingly sprawling atop a coral formation. Once it zeroes-in on the target, the killer pauses brieflyand then dives down quickly, striking the prey with its protruding stinger like some sort of underwater welchesp.The whole encounter takes just five seconds.Within a few hours, the injected poison takes hold, not only killing the victim but also causing it to fall apart limb by limb by limb.The killer is neither an insect nor a rare marine monster. Its not even a living thing.It is instead an autonomous underwater rointernet bot equipped with artificial intelligence software, built by Matthew Dunbabin and Feras Dayoub, wh o study and build autonomous ordnungsprinzips at the Institute for Future Environments at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia.Dunbabin and Dayoub built it to help fight one of the biggest marine disasters in progressan outbreak of crown-of-thorns starfish, the voracious coral-eating organisms that are decimating the Great Barrier Reef faster than that it can rebuild itself.You can think of it as a Starfish Terminator robot, although its creators opted for COTSBot, a name derived from the acronym for the crown-of-thorns starfish COTS.Editors Choice Solving World Hunger with 3D-Printed FoodHaving a few COTS feasting on a large coral reef isnt a bad thingthey are natural inhabitants of the sea and keep fast-growing corals at bay so that the slower species can flourish, too.One COTS feeding on 2.5 acres of coral, or about 1.5 football fields, wont do much damage. Fifteen COTS feeding in the same space is considered unsustainable.During outbreaks, an acre can have double and triple that, and even more, says Ciemon Frank Caballes who studies COTS ecology at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia. You can have a carpet full of COTS covering the reef, he said. We have seen that on the Great Barrier Reef over the years.Register today for ASMEs Offshore Wind SummitMatthew Dunbabin (left) and Feras Dayoub in the lab where they developed an underwater robot to assist efforts to save the Great Barrier Reef. Image Queensland University of TechnologyThe consequences are severe. About 40 percent of all coral loss on the Great Barrier Reef over the past 30 years is due to crown-of-thorns starfish. The exact reasons for outbreaks are totenstill debated, but there are several theories. They could be triggered by agricultural runoffs that fuel algae blooms, which starfish larvae feed on. Or they could be caused by the lack of COTS predators, which humans have overfished over the years.It could also be that COTS are simply excellent breeders. Each cr eature can lay 65 thousand eggs, Dunbabin said. And you need a really small number of eggs fertilized to create a really big problem.The Australian government employs a gruppe of 15 divers who scout for COTS on the reef and inject them with poison to keep the numbers down. The reef, however, stretches for about 1,500 miles and covers much more area than the British Isles, far more than the divers could ever hope to reach.COTSBot can stay underwater for up to eight hours at a time and can search and destroy in the dark, which is an advantage because starfish are nocturnal creatures and actively feed at night. The robot can carry two liters of poison, enough for 200 lethal injections.The kollektiv doesnt think COTSBot will replace human divers, but rather work alongside them. There are limitations in terms of depth and how long divers can stay in the water, Caballes said. Thats where the robot has a very good potential.The bot also has a slightly different modus operandi than humansfo r example it doesnt wander about like divers, but scouts within a set area and moves in straight lines.Were not trying to replace the current method, but rather facilitate upscaling of the current tools, Dunbabin explained.Designing a HunterCOTSBot has undergone a number of changes since Dunbabin began working on the project in the early 2000s. Back then, destroying a starfish required injecting poison into each of its arms, and the spiky, sprawling crown of thorns starfish has 20. It was a job too complex for an unmanned underwater vehicle, so initially, the robots role was surveillance, spotting the starfish and reporting their location to human divers.Dunbabins early detection algorithm identified crown-of-thorns starfish by their spiky texture. The bot reached about 65 percent accuracy, but improving on that was difficult. Some corals are themselves spiky, and COTS often nestle in between corals.Readers Choice Seven Coolest Rescue RobotsSo Dunbabin and Dayoub switched tactics, l ooking for shape, structure, and color instead. Dayoub gathered hundreds of starfish pictures from YouTube and other sites, and used machine learning techniques to teach the robot to recognize the culprit. That was a bit tricky too. Most COTS pictures were starfish glamor shots aimed to draw tourists rather than terminator bots. The team needed shots of real starfish in their natural settings.We put GoPro on the divers equipment and got a huge number of images that way, Dunbabin said. It was really valuable data.While the machine learning system was boning up on starfish identification, there was a breakthrough in the COTS killing method. Researchers at James Cook University found that starfish are allergic to bile, a substance that humans and all vertebras produce as part of their digestion to break down fat. COTS are so allergic, in fact, that one injection of bile was enough to make the starfish fall apartquite literally.Rather than developing a simple robotic spotter, researcher s realized they could create a complete killing system equipped with a pneumatic injection system, the robot could not only detect but also terminate the starfish.Testing the detection and termination systems was easier said than done. COTS venomous spikes can produce harmful stings, so tossing a few of them into a tank for prototypes to take stabs at wasnt a safe option.Listen to ASME TechCast latest podcast Breakthrough Could Bring New Cancer TreatmentInstead, the team 3D-printed a bunch of imitation starfish, based on a few live specimens observed in a local museum, and set up a fake reef covered with starfish on the labs floor. The robot sat on a stand, with its camera looking down, and signaled to the team where it wanted to move next.Eventually, however, the machine learning tool was so adept at identifying real starfish that it rejected the 3D models as too fake to bother with. The team had to up its game. Instead of 3D-printed models, they covered the floor with stickers of the starfish photographs taken by the divers GoPros. Those photos included not only easy-to-see starfish lounging on top of corals but also ones embedded so deeply that it wasnt worth trying to inject them. (If the bot missed and got its needle lodged in the corals, divers would have to be dispatched to extract it.)That worked much better, aside from some slight property damage, Dunbabin said. If I wasnt careful and I had the injection system too low, it was injecting right through the vinyl, he chuckled. We put a lot of holes into our floorAfter some additional testing in the sheltered waters of Moreton Bay near Brisbane, COTSBot was ready for the Great Barrier Reef.The arm of the COTSBot can extend 0.9 m down from the robots body. At its tip is a syringe filled with starfish-killing bile. Image Queensland University of TechnologyReach Out and JabIn the water, the COTSBot glides along the reef, scanning in search of starfish to terminate. The robot has to maintain a fairly narrow b and of distances above the tops of the coral get too close to the reef and the optical system loses focus, go too high and the pixels bleed together so that the vision system cant distinguish between coral and starfish. The optimum distance, the researchers learned, was 1.1 m above the top of the reef.There was one problem the COTSBots injection system can only extend 900 mm, or 0.9 m, from the body of the robot. What the robot can see, it cant reach. What it can reach, it cant see clearly.To get around that limitation, the team programed COTSBot to perform a drop down sting move.Once it detects the starfish, it will drop to the 900 millimeters, fire the injection system to hit the starfish, retract, and go back up to the flying altitude, Dunbabin said. The maneuver takes about five seconds from start to finish.If we were flying at 900 millimeters all the time, wed have a big chance of hitting coral and getting stuck, Dunbabin said. That little bit of extra space is the safety margi n we need. And it improves the vision.Register today for ASMEs Offshore Wind SummitBy now, COTSBot has a 99 percent accuracy rate, having done several hundred runsusually about 20 runs per day, injecting many starfish. But one starfish terminator isnt really going to make a difference against thousands and millions starfish chewing at the reef. Its going to take a fleet of robots. Thats where cost becomes a factor, the team says.Dunbabin is a bit hesitant to reveal COTSBots current price taghe doesnt want to scare off potential funders. But, he adds, the cost is about to drop down significantly. The next generation COTSBot will be about eight times cheaper. The team is actively working on that model, dubbed RangerBot, right now. The goal is to produce the bots for between $5,000 and $10,000 each.The price drop is possible because the team realized COTSBot could function without a keybut expensivepiece of equipment. The robot has been using acoustic sensors to measure velocity relati ve to the seabed. Sonar systems, which have traditionally been used underwater instead of cameras because of poor lighting, cost about at $35,000 each. But the water in the Great Barrier Reef is clear enough that cameras work just fine.Read More on Engineers Inspired by Animals How Elephants Use Their Tails to Chase Away MosquitoesWith vision we are looking at the seabed and we estimate how far we moved along that seabed, and we can tell how far away objects are, how far weve travelled and at what speed, Dunbabin said. We replaced the functionality from acoustic to vision and we got surprisingly good results.Equipped with six thrusters, two stereo camera systems used for navigation and detection, RangerBot will be smaller, more maneuverable, and hopefully affordable enough to build a fleet. The idea is that RangerBots would rid the reef of as many easy-to-reach COTS as possible, and then the divers would pull other starfish out of crevices with hooks and finish them off manually.I h ope well make a difference, Dunbabin said.Lina Zeldovich is a freelance writer based in Woodside, N.Y.Read Latest Exclusive Stories from ASME.org Five Job Interview Questions Young Engineers Can ExpectPenn Engineering Creates Super Strong Porous Metal6 Ways Engineers Heal a Broken HeartOnce it detects the starfish, it will drop to the 900 millimeters, fire the injection system to hit the starfish, retract, and go back up to the flying altitude.Matthew Dunbabin, Institute for Future Environments, Queensland University of Technology

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Civil War and the Birth of the US Prosthetics Industry

The Civil War and the Birth of the US Prosthetics Industry The Civil War and the Birth of the US Prosthetics Industry The nations veterans hospitals are experiencing a surge of patients returning home from military service in Iraq or Afghanistan in need of prosthetics or orthotics. Although the magnitude of their injuries is heartbreaking, it is also inspiring to see how far modern prosthetics technology has come in its ability to restore mobility, dignity, and hope.The connection between armed conflict and major advances in medical device engineering is hardly new. As the U.S. marks the sesquicentennial of the outbreak of the U.S. Civil War this year, todays situation recalls trends of 150 years ago, when the brutality of that conflict spawned a revolution in the design and mass production of artificial limbs.Many of the prosthetic technologies helping todays combat veterans owe their existence to innovations and federal programs dating back to this tumultuous period of American his tory.Although designers were producing artificial body parts as early as the 1500s, the field did not advance significantly until the spike in demand in the 1860s. The key drivers of progress deadlier bullets and government money.Diagram of the Mini Ball. Image courtesy of the Smithsonian.Maximum Damage with the Mini BallThen as now, advances in weaponry fueled advances in medical technology. The introduction of the Mini (or Minnie) ball, one of the first practical rifle bullets, welches a transformative event in the history of prosthetics. The Mini was made of soft lead with a hollow base that expanded when fired. Upon impact, the bullet caused large, irregular, and slow-healing wounds.Most physicians of the era were woefully inexperienced in surgery, and were no match for the devastating injuries that these powerful new weapons inflicted. With some 70% of Civil War wounds affecting the limbs, amputation quickly became the treatment of choice in battlefield surgery. A primary amput ation was easier, faster, andwith a mortality rate of only 28%safer than other treatment options. More than 30,000 Union soldiers and 40,000 Confederate soldiers lost limbs between 1861 and 1865, said Robert Gailey, Ph.D., P.T., a professor of physical therapy at the University of Miami School of Medicine and a researcher at the Miami VA Medical Center.This prosthetic leg was found in Woodhull, Illinois. The sculptural leg is made of hand-carved wood, leather, and hand-forged iron and zinc.The Great Civil War BenefactionRecognizing the alarming number of amputations resulting from combat, the U.S. government unveiled the Great Civil War Benefaction, a commitment to provide prosthetics to all disabled veterans.With the lure of government support, entrepreneurs began competing for a share of the growing prosthetics market. This new arms race was characterized by far-fetched advertising claims about the comfort and utility of the latest artificial limb, Gailey said.In fact, few availab le devices were comfortable and most veterans found crutches to be a better alternative, he said.Wood and steel were the materials of choice for replacement limbs until about 1863, with the introduction of the cosmetic rubber hand. Rubber offered an attractive alternative to rigid materials in terms of its resiliency, flexibility, and somewhat more natural appearance. Early models featured fingers that could move under pressure, with enough lifelike action to hold small objects like a fork or pencil. For added utility, some models allowed the wearer to remove the cosmetic appendage from the forearm harness and replace it, Swiss Army knife-style, with various hooks, brushes, sawing attachments, or other accessories.James Edward Hanger. Image courtesy of Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics.Birth of an IndustryIronically, the person who launched the era of modern prosthetics was also the first documented amputee of the Civil WarConfederate soldier James Edward Hanger. Hanger, who lost his leg above the knee to a cannon ball, was first fitted with a wooden peg leg by Yankee surgeons. Unhappy with the cumbersome appendage, Hanger eventually designed and built a new, lightweight leg from whittled barrel staves. Hangers innovative leg had hinges at the knee and foot, which helped him to sit more comfortably and to walk with a more natural gait. Hangar won the contract to make limbs for Confederate veterans. The company he foundedHanger, Inc.remains a key player in prosthetics and orthotics today.The Civil War-era commitment to support veterans continues today through programs of the VA and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to ensure ongoing progress in prosthetics design.The Civil War marked the end of the era of wooden peg legs and simple hooks. The war set the prosthetics industry on a course that would ultimately lead to todays quasi-bionic limbs that look like the real thing and can often perform some tasks even better.Fortunately, todays veteran s and other amputees have a wide array of advanced prosthetics to help them regain much of their original mobilityand in many cases, their original appearance. From robotic arms that respond to movement impulses from the brain to marathon-tested carbon-fiber prosthetic legs, todays artificial limbs are restoring independence, productivity, and dignity to severely wounded veterans.Michael MacRae is an independent journalist.The Civil War marked the end of the era of wooden peg legs and simple hooks. The war set the prosthetics industry on a course that would ultimately lead to todays quasi-bionic limbs.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

10 Job Skills Youll Need in 2020 (Infographic) - The Muse

10 Job Skills Youll Need in 2020 (Infographic) - The Muse10 Job Skills Youll Need in 2020 (Infographic)The world of work- and the world in general- is changing. People are living longer, new technologies are emerging, and weve never been more globally connected. That means the skills we use now in the workplace are not necessarily the skills well need in the future. To get a sense of what skills you might want to abflug investing your time into developing, check out the infographic below. (Note It might sound like 2020 is really far into the future, but its actually only 1 year away.) Infographic courtesy of Top10OnlineColleges.org.